Two days of freedom left then it's back to work for me. I have been on vacation since the 23rd but I feel like it was only yesterday when I turned my out of office reply on. You know what they say about time flying when you're having fun? Well, let me tell you this: time also flies when you're sitting on the couch all day watching reruns of CSI and House.
Initially, I was planning on visiting Anna Marie and Chev in Boston but with the noche buena and the media noche, I just couldn't leave. Both my sisters' schedules are irregular (one's a nurse, the other an FA) so I'm left with the responsibility of cooking the dinners. Come to think of it, I'm always the one in charge of cooking. Okay, maybe only 97% of the time, but still! I also figured that even if I went to Beantown I probably won't be able to go sightseeing because it's too cold. Maybe in spring?
So anyway, PJ and I decided to do laundry today because tomorrow's my birthday and it just isn't right to spend my birthday doing laundry and PJ has this church meeting he has to go to on Sunday. We usually do laundry on Sundays because...well, because. I don't know. We just do. Since the kids were on break too, we didn't have as much to wash which means I don't have to spend $20. Yay for me!
WARNING: RANT COMING IN 5...4...3...2...1!
I don't get how this guy can never remember to close the door especially when it's freaking cold outside!! How simple is that?! Even my baby girl knows to shut the door Are you expecting me to be your doorman?! Common courtesy, hello?! Just because I am civil to you doesn't mean that I like you! Just because I am not Mama or Papa doesn't give you the right to feel so comfortable that you spend hours in my sister's room, on her bed, just the two of you. What the hell?! Show a little respect! Mahiya ka naman sa balat mo! I try to keep an open mind, reminding myself that you are both of age and that you are free to make your own decisions. But the fact is, mister, I was given responsibility over everybody in this house and God forbid anything happens because I turned a blind eye to your actions, I will be the one to blame, regardless of your ages. When you step foot in this house or even anyone's house for that matter, you have to show proper decorum. No PDA's! There's a kid looking at you, hello?! I don't care if you're freaking liberal; my house, my rules. You don't see me showing disrespect when I go to other people's homes.
As for you miss, I have spoken to you before and I told you that I do not approve of PDA's. I don't care if you leave the door open to your room! Do you think I'm gonna spend hours watching the two of you to make sure that nothing freaky is going on? And don't even start with the trust debate. You have to earn it. There's the fact that you don't come home at the agreed time. That alone shows that you do not deserve my trust. Believe me, I would be better off not giving a shit about what you do but as I said, I was given the responsibility of looking after you so we both don't have a choice. I follow their rules and you follow mine. Simple as that. And don't even get me started on how many times I've seen you guys getting all touchy-feely. You're lucky I even keep my mouth shut and not tell Mama and Papa.
What does my rant have to do with laundry? Well, we have two laundry bags that need to be brought up to the house so PJ grabbed one and I was supposed to grab the other but since the guy got off the car, I assumed that he was going to help us and bring the other bag upstairs. So I went up carrying the detergent and stuff and then I see PJ carrying the two bags. I was like, he didn't help you? PJ was like, well, he closed the trunk. Unbelievable. Then the guy comes in and goes straight to her room without shutting the door. Again. What the hell?! And then this is where the rant comes in.
In other news, I've decided to do a birthday wish list. Since I was born on the 3rd, I'm going to list three material and three non-material wishes. First off, the material ones:

The Nikon D90. Need I say more? I want this baby sooo bad but I know I can't afford it at this time. My heart breaks every time I think about it. :-(

The Naruto 2008 Boxed Set, Volumes 1-27. I love Naruto! If I could buy every single volume, I would but it's gonna be pretty expensive since the story is still ongoing. What if Mr. Kishimoto decides to write 572 volumes?!
Okay, now for the non-material wishes:
I wish for my family to be together. It's so hard being away from Gerd and Alyssa. I can't even begin to make you understand what it feels like to spend holidays and birthdays alone; to handle all the stress and problems by myself; to experience new things, new places by myself. Sometimes, the only solution I can come up with is to immerse myself in work so I would be too exhausted to even think about crying. Oh God, this is becoming too depressing. Moving on.
I wish for good health. For my fiance, my children, my family, my friends and my friends' families.
And last, I wish for guidance. That I would know which path to take; that I would make better decisions; that I would realize what I'm meant to be, what I could be.
It'll be my birthday in a few hours.
I've decided to make my 29th the year I become a better person.
Okay, now for the non-material wishes:
I wish for my family to be together. It's so hard being away from Gerd and Alyssa. I can't even begin to make you understand what it feels like to spend holidays and birthdays alone; to handle all the stress and problems by myself; to experience new things, new places by myself. Sometimes, the only solution I can come up with is to immerse myself in work so I would be too exhausted to even think about crying. Oh God, this is becoming too depressing. Moving on.
I wish for good health. For my fiance, my children, my family, my friends and my friends' families.
And last, I wish for guidance. That I would know which path to take; that I would make better decisions; that I would realize what I'm meant to be, what I could be.
It'll be my birthday in a few hours.
I've decided to make my 29th the year I become a better person.
Merry Christmas! este Happy Birthday pala! Hope you get your wishes and everything else in between! Thanks for wishing good health for me. Hahahahha!
*birthda hugs*
thanks mel. we both know hindi ko makukuha yung material wishes ko. hahaha. pero mas importante sa kin ang non-material wishes. :) can you listen to me? i'm so old na! waaaah!!!
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