I've never been a fan of red polish but even I have to admit that I'm totally loving this one from OPI called Chick Flick Cherry. Meowrrr...
Next on my list: red lipstick! I got my eye on you, MAC Prussian Red.
I don't know why I suddenly have this thing for red. I've always preferred the cool colors of the spectrum so this unusual craving for red is really making me feel weird. Holy shit! Is this menopause? O_O

Pasalubong from one of Anneth's trips to Maine. Or Maryland. Or wherever. Loving the key chain! It's Hoops & Yoyo, the same characters from the best birthday card ever!
I finally got the chance to speak with Gerd and he shared very bad news. Alyssa lost in her school's competition! I think it was for a poem recital. She reminds me so much of when I was younger. I was always a contestant in declamation and story-telling contests and I always win first place. Always. True story.
Gerd was telling me how she had everything down pat when she was practicing at home but when she went up on the stage, she just froze. My poor baby got stage fright. She was able to deliver the piece but she spoke so softly the judges can barely hear her. Awww.
Her daddy promised her a Barbie doll house if she wins but she lost so I told Gerd to give her a smaller prize instead so she won't feel discouraged and also to show that we are proud that she was able to finish her piece. I'm hoping that she wants the doll house bad enough to overcome her stage fright.
This pic was taken the night before she left for the Philippines. I was talking to her while she slept, telling her that I love her very much and that even if I am not with her, I will always be in her heart and in her brain (that's what she told me, LOL).
I miss my baby girl. :(
I finally got the chance to speak with Gerd and he shared very bad news. Alyssa lost in her school's competition! I think it was for a poem recital. She reminds me so much of when I was younger. I was always a contestant in declamation and story-telling contests and I always win first place. Always. True story.
Gerd was telling me how she had everything down pat when she was practicing at home but when she went up on the stage, she just froze. My poor baby got stage fright. She was able to deliver the piece but she spoke so softly the judges can barely hear her. Awww.
Her daddy promised her a Barbie doll house if she wins but she lost so I told Gerd to give her a smaller prize instead so she won't feel discouraged and also to show that we are proud that she was able to finish her piece. I'm hoping that she wants the doll house bad enough to overcome her stage fright.
This pic was taken the night before she left for the Philippines. I was talking to her while she slept, telling her that I love her very much and that even if I am not with her, I will always be in her heart and in her brain (that's what she told me, LOL).
I miss my baby girl. :(
whorish red nail polish! I likey!
Also, get the whorish red lipstick to go with it! Plus the black leather lingerie ok?
i will get the whorish red lipstick to go with my look. will post pics. *shudder*
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