Each wrapper of Dove comes with a quote. I've decided to post each quote so one, I can share my thoughts on it; two, you can share your thoughts on it; and three, we can all keep track of how much chocolate I've consumed in this lifetime.

I have really bad memory so I'm just going to list ten firsts. Lemme see...
1. First out-of-country trip is to Hong Kong/China which was sponsored by my aunt.
2. First job is of an account manager for a foreign exchange company.
3. First *ehem* is with that guy. Hey, I was already of legal age at that time.
4. First (and only) pick-up line that actually worked on me is "Hi, I'm Girrard. Single and available." It still makes me laugh every time I remember it.
5. First time I wore a bikini was in Boracay at the tender age of 25.
6. First academic award received was in Nursery. I got a silver medal.
7. First concert I went to was of the Introvoys and Rizal Underground at the Cuneta Astrodome. Don't ask.
8. First sleepover was at Chey's house with my bestest friends where we watched porn.
9. First porn movie watched was College Girls. Such a disappointment! It was only girl-on-girl action.
10. First taste of alcohol was Miller Lite, during freshman year college.
I would appreciate if you'd share your firsts too. It would let me know more about you and hopefully, I'd have something to blackmail you with when the need arises.