I just had my tongue pierced. Don't ask me why because I wouldn't know. I chose my tongue to be impaled at ATC for two reasons:
1. It's relatively near to where I live.
2. A lot of sosyals and pa-sosyals have their tattoos and piercings done there so the place must be using sterile contraptions of pain and torture.
Otherwise, they can be sued by rich brats and they'd end up working in jail which is not a bad idea, actually. They'd probably earn a lot more there than in ATC.
I was with my friends Joel and Chey. I was supposed to back out but Chey told me that I was at the point of no return. As if! I guess it was partly that I wanted someone to blame when something goes wrong that I let her persuade me. That way, I can say "Si Chey kasi eh!"
It was not as painful as I expected. Be it known that I have a low tolerance level for pain. My two OB-Gynes have confirmed this when I was screaming my bloody lungs out at the shame of unwillingly exposing my genitals to total strangers in the delivery room.
I had my ear pierced (second piercing on my left ear) back in college. It was done in the classroom. It was not painful at all. I just heard a popping sound and it was done. But I suddenly felt nauseated and had to run to the comfort room to puke.
Five years later, when my tongue got pierced, I again said hello to hardly recognizable particles that consisted of my lunch. Yep, I threw up again. But wait! My story does not end there.
I was sooo nauseated that I couldn't hold it in any longer. I usually have a strong stomach and can make pigil my suka but this time was different.
(pauses for effect)
I was holding my partially-digested lunch in my mouth! I looked like I had filled my mouth with air. The comfort rooms were so far from where we are that when I felt another mouthful coming up, I had to release what's in my mouth or have me puke on myself.
The nearest thing to a private space Chey and I can find was the lift for handicapped people. I know, kadiri talaga!
After throwing up there, we went to the comfort rooms where I threw up some more. It's a good thing I didn't see anyone I know while I was making like a blowfish.
I'm now able to eat very slow. Hmm, must be the reason I'm losing weight. Not bad.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago